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BHĀRABHṚT - भारभृत्

The Burden-Bearer

The Camel

Bhārabhṛt's are symbolized by the camel, as they possess remarkable endurance, carrying heavy loads with resilience, drawing from inner reserves, and maintaining self-sufficiency without breaking down.


The camel is able to endure hardships, whether physical, emotional, or mental, without easily breaking down. 


Camels prefer independence and can thrive even in challenging or isolating environments and tackles tasks and challenges steadily, without needing recognition or validation.

Inner Reserve

Camels have an ability to store water for a long journey, similar to their ability to maintain a strong internal reservoir of energy, strength, or emotional resilience.

Sanskrit Meaning

The Sanskrit word Bhārabhṛt (भारभृत्) consists of two main components:

1. Bhāra (भार) - burden, load, responsibility, or duty.
2. Bhṛt (भृत्) – to bear, to carry, to sustain, or to uphold.

Meaning of Bhārabhṛt (भारभृत्) is, "One who bears burdens," or, "the bearer of responsibility." It signifies a person or being who carries the weight of duties, hardships, or responsibilities with strength, resilience, and perseverance, much like a camel enduring long journeys without faltering.

Bhārabhṛt’s Superpowers

The Bhārabhṛt personality is a rare and remarkable force, embodying unparalleled endurance and quiet strength. They carry life's heaviest burdens with unwavering resilience, never breaking under pressure but instead growing stronger with each challenge. Their deep inner reserves allow them to navigate hardships with patience and wisdom, moving forward with a steady, unshakable presence. Self-sufficient and independent, they thrive where others might falter, needing little external validation yet offering boundless support to those who rely on them. Their sense of duty is profound, making them some of the most loyal, dependable, and trustworthy individuals in any situation. With a heart full of perseverance and a mind guided by wisdom, they transform adversity into strength and responsibility into a noble path, standing as pillars of stability and grace in an ever-changing world.

Bhārabhṛt's in Different States of Mind

The Bhārabhṛt type belongs to the category of Supporters, who are typically in a tamasic (passive) state of mind. However, the human mind naturally shifts between the three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas. See how the Bhārabhṛt's mind manifests in each of these states.


Peaceful. Clear.

They carry their responsibilities with grace, wisdom, and devotion, seeing them as part of their duty (dharma). Their endurance is not just for survival but for service, maintaining calm, patience, and inner strength without attachment to being praised for their hard work or gaining sympathy for any hardship they face.



Passionate. Active.

They takes on burdens restlessly, seeking validation or control, often overworking themselves to prove their strength. They may feel frustrated, exhausted, or overly ambitious, pushing forward without balance or reflection.



Passive. Confused.

They feels weighed down, resentful, or trapped by their responsibilities, carrying burdens with a sense of victimhood. They complain and criticize others for not working as hard as them. They question their master and are stubborn. They may avoid or neglect their duties, seeing them as oppressive and unfair, rather than purposeful.

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You are in The Supporters Svabhāva Group

The Supporters derive happiness from performing service to others. They add value by performing laborious tasks to contribute to the livelihood of humans. They tend to be introverts.

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