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Difficult People

Learn about the characteristics of a difficult person through an ancient Vedic story about a clever cat and a vulnerable vulture.

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19 Modules


Audio Lectures

Approx. 1.5 Hours

$59 one-time

for 2 years of access to the content

Instructors: Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji
& Jessica Richmond

Course Outline

Listen to Babaji tell an ancient Vedic story about a blind vulture and a cunning cat, the modern-day co-dependent and narcissist duo.  

1. Vedic Secret #1

2. Red Flags

3. Characteristics of Difficult People

4. More Characteristics of Difficult People

5. Who is the most Difficult Type of Person?

6. Spot Characteristics in the Story

7. The Story of the Vulture and the Cat

8. The Vulture Lived in the Hollow of the Tree

9. The Cunning Cat

10. The Vulnerable Vulture

11. A Victim of Flattery

12. True Colors

13. Innocence or Ignorance?

14. Stupidity Leads to Death

15. Take-Aways

16. Signs of a Cat

17. Characteristics of a Vulture

18. Questions for You

19. Moral of the Story

What to Expect

Expert Faculty

Meet Babaji, the creator of the science of Vedic Psychology, and Jessica Richmond, the pioneering Vedic Psychologist.

Ancient Vedic Wisdom

Precious pearls of timeless wisdom from the Vedic scriptures that help you understand the subtleties of the mind.

Audio Lectures

Audio lectures by world-famous guru, Babaji, and Vedic Psychologist, Jessica Richmond.

"This course helped me reduce my stress levels and improve my team management. I would highly recommend this course to anyone working in any organization."

- Bhushan



Difficult People

$59 one-time

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Listen to an excerpt from the class

How to Spot a Difficult Person
Vedic Secret #1

Practical Resources

Characteristics of Difficult People

Do you or someone you know have these characteristics?



Difficult People

$59 one-time

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