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The Secret Formula For Happiness

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26 Modules


Audio Lectures

Approx. 1 Hour

$59 one-time

with 2 years of access to the content

Instructed by Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji
& Dr. Joshi

Course Outline

1. Our Perception

2. Negative Self-Talk is Common

3. Stuck In the Loss Frame

4. We Want to Be Happier, Not Happy

5. Change Your View

6. Compliment Others

7. Engaging in Random Acts of Compliments

8. Mark Your Calendars!

9. Unforgettable Compliments

10. So Why Don't We Give Compliments More Often?

11. Binoculars Blockers: Samskaras

12. Examples of Negative Samskaras

13. Our State of Mind Dictates Our Behavior

14. Our State of Mind Comes From Our Thoughts

15. So, Where Do Our Feelings Come From?

16. Chitta is The Storage Unit For Our Feelings

17. How Do Samskaras Act?

18. How Do We Know This to Be True?

19. Seeing Things Clearly

20. Positive Affirmations

21. The Science of Happiness

22. Vedic View on Compliments

23. Vedic View on Compliments continued...

24. So Then Why Do We Need Compliments?

25. Compliment Experiment

26. Accepting Compliments

What to Expect

Expert Faculty

Meet Babaji, the creator of the science of Vedic Psychology, and Jessica Richmond, the pioneering Vedic Psychologist.

Ancient Vedic Wisdom

Precious pearls of timeless wisdom that can help you understand the subtleties of the mind.

Audio Lectures

Audio lectures by world-famous guru, Babaji, and Vedic Psychologist, Jessica Richmond.