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Know Your Nature  

Learn about the 13 of the 18 different Vedic Personality Types (Svabhāvas), so you can better understand yourself and appreciate the nature of others. 

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21 Modules


Video Lecture

Approx. 1.5 Hours

$59 one-time

for 2 years of access to the content

Instructed by Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji
& Dr. Joshi

Babaji's Brain Child

From the ancient Vedic scriptures to modern-day Personality Types

After careful observation of people through his life experiences in both the USA and in India, Babaji noticed a common theme of dissatisfaction and a disconnect from one's true nature. Through Babaji's deep studies of the Vedic scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita explained, he knew that people could experience satisfaction in their life if they were aligned with their nature. Therefore, Babaji created a framework called "Multiple Natures," in which people could use it as a tool to identify and align with their super powers. 

Implementation of Multiple Natures

At Jiva Public School

Babaji, his elder brother, Rishipal Chauhan, his wife Lata, and his younger brother, Dr. Partap, decided to start a school 30 years ago based on this concept of Multiple Natures. The idea was to empower children by knowing their nature and then nurturing their nature instead of forcing them to be something they are not.

The Creation of the Vedic Personality Type (Svabhāva)

Dr. Joshi's Dissertation Work

Dr. Joshi and Babaji created a groundbreaking Vedic Personality Type survey based on Dr. Joshi's dissertation research at Jiva Public School on the ancient Vedic approach to understanding a person's inborn talents. You can be one of 13 types, all different animals or birds - which one are you?

Take the Personality Type survey

Course Outline

Learn about the mind type, characteristics, and blind spots for each Vedic Personality type (Svabhāva).

1. What is Svabhāva?

2. Benefits of Knowing Your Svabhāva

3. The Components of Svabhāva

4. Animal Type

5. Body Type

6. Mind Type

7. The 13 Svabhāvas

8. Type #1 - Chatur: The Outsmarter

9. Type #2 - Guru: The Educator

10. Type #3 - Jigyasu: The Lifelong Learner 

11. Type #4 - Karta: The Creator 

12. Type #5 - Neta: The Leader 

13. Type #6 - Rajan: The Protector 

14. Type #7 - Sahasik: The Adventurer 

15. Type #8 - Shasaka: The Administrator

16. Type #9 - Udyami: The Go-Getter

17. Type #10 - Vadanya: The Provider

18. Type #11 - Vaidya: The Healer

19. Type #12 - Vidushaka: The Entertainer

20. Type #13 - Yojaka: The Connector 

21. Q&A

What to Expect

Expert Faculty

Meet Babaji, the creator of the science of Vedic Psychology, and Jessica Richmond, the pioneering Vedic Psychologist.

Ancient Vedic Wisdom

Precious pearls of timeless wisdom from the Vedic scriptures that help you understand the subtleties of the mind.

Video Lectures

Lectures by world-famous guru, Babaji.


Downloadable handouts describing in detail each of the 13 Vedic Personality types.


Recorded Q&A sessions from the live participants.


Know Your Nature

$59 one-time

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Watch an Excerpt from the Class


Practical Resources

Know Your Nature

Which of the 13 Svabhāva types are you?



Know Your Nature

$29 one-time

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