Love & Attachment Styles
Learn how our mother’s parenting style creates our attachment style and how this affects our romantic relationships.
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Instructors: Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji
& Dr. Joshi
Course Outline
1. What Are Attachment Styles?
2. Defining Attachment Styles
3. Attachment Styles and Our Brain
4. Our Hardwired Program
5. Attachment Styles Explain Many Things
6. Predictor of Relationship Success or Failure
7. Where Do Bad Decisions Come From?
8. Four Attachment Styles
9. Parenting Style/ Attachment Style
10. Neglectful Mother Creates Disorganized/ Fearful Attachment
11. Disorganized/ Fearful Attachment
12. I Hate You/ Don't Leave Me
13. Becomes Angry and Violent as Someone Becomes Emotionally Closer to Them
14. Victims of Childhood Trauma
15. Don't Trust
16. Unloveable
17. Permissive Mother Creates the Avoidant Attachment Style
18. Avoidant Attachment
19. Wants Distance
20. Discomfort with Deep Connections
21. Tries to Escape Intimate Relationships
22. Pride in Independence
23. Feels Smothered
24. Authoritarian Mother Creates Anxious Attachment Styles
25. Anxious Attachment
26. Fears of Abandonment
27. Obsessed
28. Fears Loss of Relationship
29. Authoritative Mother Creates Secure Attachment Styles
30. Secure Attachment
31. Emotionally Stable
32. Emotional Intimate Relationships
33. Long-Term Stable Relationships
34. Balanced
35. Summary of Attachment Styles
36. Q&A
What to Expect
Expert Faculty
Meet Babaji, the creator of the science of Vedic Psychology, and Jessica Richmond, the pioneering Vedic Psychologist.
Ancient Vedic Wisdom
Precious pearls of timeless wisdom from the Vedic scriptures that help you understand the subtleties of the mind.
Audio Lectures
Audio lectures by world-famous guru, Babaji, and Vedic Psychologist, Jessica Richmond.
Listen to an excerpt from the class

Practical Resources

Attachment Styles in Love
What is your love style?
Deepen Your Vedic Psychology Experience

Vedic Psychology Study Group
Dig into the masterclass concepts with Dr. Joshi, and your cohorts in our live, online study group. Take a deeper dive into these potent teachings.