The Movers & Shakers
Movers & Shakers are driven by passion. These influential and dynamic individuals tend to make a significant impact in whatever they do. Movers and Shakers are usually in high-power positions and strive for power and wealth.

The Movers & Shakers Svabhava Types

Udyami - उद्यमी
The Go-Getter
Udyamis are represented by the tiger because, like a tiger, Udyamis are very powerful, ambitious, and enjoy engaging in debates.

Neta - नेता
The Leader
Netas are represented by the lion because, like a lion, Netas are very strong, and brave, and know how to motivate others.

Chatur - चतुर
The Outsmarter
Chaturs are represented by the jackal because, like a jackal, Chaturs are cunning, adaptable, and smart.

Sahasik - साहसिक
The Adventurer
Sahasiks are represented by the cat because, like a cat, Sahasiks are venturesome, curious, and daring.

Sahayaka - सहायक
The Assistant
Sahayakas are represented by the bee because, like a bee, Sahayakas are very industrious, detail-oriented and precise. They are good at organizing things, maintaining schedules and correspondence for both the executives and customers alike.

Karta - कर्ता
The Creator
Kartas are represented by the tailorbird because, like a tailorbird, they are very creative, quick, and intelligent.

Vidushaka - विदूषक
The Entertainer
Vidushakas are represented by the parrot because, like a parrot, Vidushakas are very smart, humorous, and entertaining.

Rajan - राजन्
The Protector
Rajans are represented by the elephant because like an elephant, Rajans are very resilient, social, and emotionally intelligent.

Yojaka - योजक
The Connector
Yojakas are represented by the dolphin because, like a dolphin, Yojakas are very friendly, energetic, social, playful, and harmonious.