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My Mother, Myself

Learn about four different mothering styles, their characteristics, and their effects on the child's personality development.

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26 Modules


Audio Lectures

Approx. 1.5 Hours

$59 one-time

with 2 years of access to the content

Instructors: Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji
& Dr. Joshi

Course Outline

1. Parenting Styles

2. Mother's Role in Personality Formation

3. Mother's Heart Forms Your Heart

4. Four Types of Parenting Styles

5. Neglectful Mothers: Characteristics

6. Neglectful Mothers: Parenting Styles

7. Neglectful Mothers: Effects on the Child

8. Adults of Neglectful Mothers

9. Authoritarian Mothers: Characteristics

10. Authoritarian Mothers: Parenting Styles

11. Authoritarian Mothers: Effects on the Child

12. Adults of Authoritarian Mothers

13. Research on Authoritarian Mothers 

14. Benefits of Authoritarian Mothers

15. Permissive Mothers: Characteristics

16. Permissive Mothers: Parenting Styles

17. Permissive Mothers: Parenting Style Cons

18. Permissive Mothers: Effects on Child

19. Adults of Permissive Mothers

20. Authoritative Mother: Characteristics

21. Authoritative Mother: Parenting Styles

22. Authoritative Mother: Parenting Style Cons

23. Authoritative Mothers: Effects on the Child

24. Adults of Authoritative Mothers

25. Benefits of Authoritative Parenting Style

26. Summary of Parenting Styles

What to Expect

Expert Faculty

Meet Babaji, the creator of the science of Vedic Psychology, and Jessica Richmond, the pioneering Vedic Psychologist.

Ancient Vedic Wisdom

Precious pearls of timeless wisdom that can help you understand the subtleties of the mind.

Audio Lectures

Audio lectures by world-famous guru, Babaji, and Vedic Psychologist, Jessica Richmond.

"Knowing my attachment style was a turning point in my healing process because it helped me to understand many of my behavioural patterns and it opened the door to a very deep transformational process." 

- Bhadra



My Mother, Myself

$59 one-time

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Authoritarian Mothering Style


My Mother, Myself

$59 one-time

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