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Neta - नेता

The Leader

The Lion

Netas are represented by the lion because like a lion, Netas tend to be very strong and brave leaders.


Lions are a symbol of strength, both physically and mentally. In addition to their sheer physical size, lions are considered to be strong due to their fearless nature and powerful roar, which can be heard five miles away.


Lions are regarded as heroic animals, and are known for their bravery in defending their pride and their territory. They are always willing to fight and will often put themselves in harm's way, enduring danger or pain, in order to ensure the safety of their pride.


Referred to as the "king of the jungle,” lions are apex predators, meaning that they are at the top of the food chain in their habitat. Thus, lions are used to being in control and to commanding respect. The lion's leadership is demonstrated through various behaviors, such as roaring to intimidate potential threats, marking their territory to establish dominance, and making decisions for the pride's benefit.

Sanskrit Meaning

  • In Sanskrit, the word “neta” means "leader" or "guide."

  • The term is often used to refer to a political or social leader who is responsible for guiding a group of people towards a particular goal. 

  • Therefore, neta can be interpreted as someone who possesses the quality of a leader or guide.

Neta's Superpowers

Netas are great leaders. People are drawn to follow Neta types because they have a natural ability to understand people’s needs, and do what is required to motivate them.

Netas are also mentally strong, and are not afraid to make tough decisions, blaze a new path, protect their people, or stand up for what they believe in, even if it is not of popular opinion. Confidence, when balanced by intelligence, is when the Neta type is at their best.

Neta in Different States of Mind

The nature of the human mind is that it fluctuates between three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas. Detailed below is what the Neta's mind might look like in each of the three states.


Peaceful. Clear.

Their mind is clear and focused on reaching their goal. Their confidence enables them to set bold goals, and their determination enables them to reach their goals in a balanced manner. As a natural leader, they unapologetically but gracefully and peacefully stand up and fight for what they believe in.


Passionate. Active.

They tend to be passionate planners that are always in motion to reach their big bodacious goals. They do not like to sit still. They courageously face challenges head on with determination, fearlessness, and they don’t back down. Their intensity can cause them to use harsh or sharp words to cut through anyone who stands in their way. They can easily get into a fight.


Passive. Confused.

They are arrogant and make bad decisions that are often hurtful, dangerous, and disastrous to themselves and to the people that they are leading. They won’t take advice from anyone. They rule in an insensitive and narcissistic manner.

Discover Your Mind Type

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