The Supporters
The Supporters derive happiness from performing service to others. They add value by enriching whatever they bring into people's lives.

The Supporter Svabhāva Types

Bhārabhṛt -भारभृत्
The Burden-Bearer
Bhārabhṛt's are represented by the camel because like an camel, Bhārabhṛt's are very simple, strong, and resilient as they bear the burdens of life, be it their own physical or mental burdens, other peoples or the society at large.

Sevaka - सेवक
The Pleaser
Sevaka's are represented by the horse, because like a horse, Sevaka's love to please through service, and do so beautifully through their obedience, dedication, and humility to their master.

Poshaka - पोषक
The Sustainer
Poshaka's are represented by the oxen, because like an oxen, Poshaka's are able to sustain strength, stability and steadfastness in their unwavering dedication to serving.