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The Dramas of Manas

Manas is our emotional mind that runs on a binary system of like and dislike. Learn about the characteristics of the moody manas that can get us into trouble if we are not aware!

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9 Modules


Video Lectures

Approx. 1 Hour

$99 one-time

with 2 years of access to the content

Instructed by Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji
& Dr. Joshi


Course Outline

The manas, our emotional mind, is always seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. If you study a person's mind, you will see that so many of their decisions boil down to this simple mechanism of avoiding what they don't like and chasing after what they do like.

1. Introduction

2. Manas and the Five Senses

3. Manas Characteristics #1: Volatile

4. Manas Characteristics #2: Like or Dislike

5. Manas Characteristics #3: Seeks Pleasure

6. Manas Characteristics #4: Avoids Pain

7. Manas Characteristics #5: Very Emotional

8. Manas Characteristics #6: Gets Bored Easily

9. Manas Characteristics #7: Spontaneous

What to Expect

Expert Faculty

Meet Babaji, the creator of the science of Vedic Psychology, and Jessica Richmond, the pioneering Vedic Psychologist.

Ancient Vedic Wisdom

Precious pearls of timeless wisdom that can help you understand the subtleties of the mind.

Video Lectures

Lectures by world-famous guru, Babaji, and Vedic Psychologist, Jessica Richmond.


Course-specific handouts that help take your learning deeper.

Knowledge Checks

Test your understanding with engaging quizzes that deepen your knowledge.

"I was struggling with anger, fear, loneliness and I didn't know how to deal with these emotions. Through Vedic Psychology, I got new energy, a new desire to improve, and I became more aware of my potential as a human being."

- Kamala



The Drama of Manas

$99 one-time

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“Manas, by nature, is peaceful. It is like a blank movie screen. But our emotions get projected onto manas, and we believe our emotions to be the truth.”

- Babaji

Practical Resources

Manas and Relationships

How is manas affecting your relationships?



The Drama of Manas

$99 one-time

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