The Tiger and the Traveler
An interactive cartoon course based on an ancient Indian story taken from The Hitopadesha and modified for kids. For parents, caregivers, therapists, and teachers to empower kids with decision-making skills.
Enroll Now$39 one-time
with 2 years of access to the content
Instructors: Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji
& Dr. Joshi
The Power of Storytelling
Storytelling has been the main way of teaching in India for thousands of years. By listening to stories about other people, we drop our defenses, and the messages from the story go deep into our heart, allowing for open reflection.

We hope that you can use this story as a way to empower the children in your life to open their hearts, connect with you, and to sharpen their critical thinking and decision-making skills.
The Tiger & The Traveler story originates from the Indian classic, The Hitopadesh, translated by Babaji.
Course Outline
1. The Traveler Meets the Tiger
2. The Tiger Offers a Gold Bracelet
3. The Traveler Feels Confused
4. The Truthful Tiger Makes His Case
5. The Traveler Feels Compassion for The Tiger
6. How to Make a Good Decision
7. The Traveler Makes His Final Decision
What to Expect
Empower Kids to Make Decisions with Confidence
Engage children in answering the questions in the story at each critical decision-making point. Create lively group discussions and debates on what is the best action to take.
Practice Critical Thinking Skills
Help your children learn about the factors involved with deciding who to trust by practicing critical thinking skills. Encourage your child to pause and think: Should I trust the tiger?
Hear the Wise Words of a Guru
Help children avoid danger by sharpening their reasoning and decision-making skills.
Enhance Children's Understanding of Unintended Consequences of Actions
Use this story to enhance your child's knowledge about how to weigh out the advantages and disadvantages of the situation, and the unintended consequences of making emotional decisions. Facilitate your child's practice in using their logical instead of the emotional mind to make decisions.
Hitopadeśa - हितोपदेश
Hitopadeśa or "Good instructions" is a famous book for its wisdom on ethics and polity. The basic principles of morality in Hitopadeśa offer a firm foundation for good character. They also help one develop the mind to become more sattvic (peaceful, grounded and clear) and have a keen skill of discrimination required for good decision-making.
Practical Resources

Breathing Technique for a Calm Mind
Teach your kids how to cultivate a peaceful mind so they can make clear decisions.
Deepen Your Learning Experience

Empowered Parenting
Share with Dr. Joshi your parenting struggles and frustrations. Tell her about or show her videos or messages from your child that leave you feeling powerless. Explain to her the things that you have tried that have not worked so she can suggest some new strategies to empower you.
$350 for 1-hour

Observation Session
Dr. Joshi will observe you and your child interacting in your natural environment for 15 minutes. Then she will meet privately with you to share her assessment and suggestions. Walk away with some practical changes you can implement to influence your child's behavior in the positive direction.
$350 for 1-hour

Attunement Practice
Learn techniques from Dr. Joshi on how to attune and connect to your child's feelings. Then bring your child to the session for a few minutes to practice your new skills under the expert guidance of Dr. Joshi.