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Yojaka - योजक

The Connector

The Golden Retriever Dog

Yojakas are represented by the golden retriever dog because like a dog, Yojakas are very friendly, social, and affectionate.


Golden Retriever dogs are known for their friendly, gentle, and outgoing personalities. They have a fun-loving and playful nature, and enjoy playing games and engaging in physical activities with their human family.


They are highly social dogs that love to spend time with their human family and are often used as therapy dogs due to their calm and comforting disposition. Their gentle nature makes them excellent companions for families with children or other pets. Golden Retriever dogs are known for their loyalty and devotion to their human family, and will often go to great lengths to protect their loved ones.


Golden Retrievers are known for their love of physical affection and enjoy cuddling, snuggling, and spending time with their humans. Always are eager to please, they love to learn what they can do to please their owner.

Sanskrit Meaning

  • In Sanskrit, the term, “yojaka” means, “connector” or “that which connects.”

  • Sri Krishna, the God of love, is often associated with the qualities of Yojaka due to his ability to connect with people from all walks of life.

Yojaka's Superpowers

A Yojaka is very social and friendly, and has an uncanny knack for connecting with anyone in their vicinity. With their fun-loving and playful nature, nobody is a stranger to them. 

These extroverts love being with people. Their carefree nature makes them easy companions. They are affectionate, agreeable and eager to please, making them much beloved individuals. Their tendency to be able to connect to others easily often makes them fast friends wherever they go.

Yojaka in Different States of Mind

The nature of the human mind is that it fluctuates between three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas. Detailed below is what a  Yojaka’s mind might look like in each of the three states.


Peaceful. Clear.

Connecting to people in their friendly, easy-going manner. Deep bonding with others, but not to the extent of people-pleasing that hurts oneself. Connecting people to a something higher, such as to a spiritual path or a spiritual teacher.


Passionate. Active.

They excitedly strike up a conversation and initiate friendships with just about everyone they meet from the janitor to a taxi driver to a CEO. They create big ideas for social plans, more than they can realistically complete. They connect with people in a superficial way, just to use them for their own benefit.


Passive. Confused.

They use their social connections in destructive ways, such as spreading rumors about someone they are jealous of or they hate.

Discover Your Mind Type

Want to know how your svabhāva is perceived by others?

Take the Know Your Nature e-course, instructed by Babaji, to learn more about how others perceive you, your blind spots, and how to know when you are out of balance. 

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