YOJAKA - योजक
The Connector

The Dolphin
Did you know the Ganges river dolphin is India’s National Aquatic Animal? Recognized for indicating river health, this native species is linked to the sacred Ganga, symbolizing purity, wisdom, and balance. Revered for intelligence, they navigate murky waters like wise beings in Hindu epics. Their playful nature brings joy, while folklore depicts them as compassionate guides. Living in close-knit groups, they embody loyalty, cooperation, and dharma. Though less mentioned in mythology, dolphins represent intelligence, kindness, and devotion. Thus, Yojakas are represented by the dolphin, as they are equally friendly, social, and harmonious.
Dolphins are widely celebrated for their friendly, gentle, and outgoing personalities, which make them one of the most beloved creatures in the animal kingdom. Their fun-loving and playful nature is evident in their love for games, acrobatics, and interactive activities, whether with their own pod members or with humans. Dolphins are naturally curious and often approach humans with an open and trusting demeanor, seeking interaction and connection. This warm and welcoming attitude makes dolphins wonderful ambassadors of friendship and joy.
Dolphins are highly social animals that live in dynamic groups called pods, where they form strong, cooperative bonds. They engage in playful interactions, work together to hunt for food, and communicate using a complex system of clicks, whistles, and body movements. This sophisticated communication allows them to convey information, coordinate activities, and strengthen their social connections. Known for their friendliness and teamwork, dolphins often support one another, demonstrating remarkable empathy and unity within their pods. Their ability to form bonds with humans and other animals showcases their remarkable emotional intelligence and capacity for companionship.
Dolphins are known for their harmonious personalities, characterized by their gentle, and cooperative nature. They exhibit a natural curiosity and a remarkable capacity for empathy, often forming strong connections not only with members of their own pod, but also with other species, including humans. Their ability to work together in groups reflects their innate sense of unity and teamwork, while their playful demeanor adds a sense of joy to their interactions. Dolphins seem to possess an intrinsic balance between their intelligence and their social instincts, making them symbols of peace and friendship in the animal kingdom.
Sanskrit Meaning
In Sanskrit, the term, “yojaka” means, “connector” or “that which connects.”
Sri Krishna, the God of love, is often associated with the qualities of Yojaka due to his ability to connect with people from all walks of life.

Yojaka's Superpowers
A Yojaka is very social and friendly, and has an uncanny knack for connecting with anyone in their vicinity. With their fun-loving and playful nature, nobody is a stranger to them.
These extroverts love being with people. Their carefree nature makes them easy companions. They are affectionate, agreeable and eager to please, making them much beloved individuals. Their tendency to be able to connect to others easily often makes them fast friends. They create harmony wherever they go.
Yojaka in Different States of Mind
The Yojaka type belongs to the category of Movers and Shakers, who often gravitate toward high-power positions and typically exhibit a rajasic (passionate) mindset. However, the human mind naturally shifts between the three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas. See how the Yojaka's mind manifests in each of these states.
Peaceful. Clear.
Connecting to people in their friendly, easy-going manner. Deep bonding with others, and creating harmony within groups. Connecting people to a something higher, such as to a spiritual path or a spiritual teacher.
Passionate. Active.
They excitedly strike up a conversation and initiate friendships with just about everyone they meet from the janitor to a taxi driver to a CEO. They create big ideas for social plans, more than they can realistically complete. They connect with people in a playful way which can sometimes be superficial. Their curious mind drives them to ask questions to no end.
Passive. Confused.
Their natural supportive and serving nature causes them to take care of others yet be confused about how to balance their own needs. Tamas to the extreme can use their social connections in destructive ways such as spreading rumors about someone they are jealous of or they hate.
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Movers & Shakers are driven by passion. These influential and dynamic individuals tend to make a significant impact in whatever they do. Movers and Shakers are usually in high-power positions and strive for power and wealth. They possess the drive, ambition, and determination to effectuate meaningful change and achieve their goals.
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